Finance and Buildings Committe

The Parish Finance Committee is a consultative body established to help and advise the Parish Priest in the administration of the goods of the parish.  The Finance Committee oversees parish budget, finance and management issues.
The Committee has a role in a number of functions undertaken in the Parish, specifically in relation to:

  • The terms and conditions of lay employees

  • Health & Safety issues, including Security

  • Due diligence in managing all parish assets

  • Setting of an annual budget, monitoring income and expenditure against it

  • Ensuring full and proper books of accounts are kept in accordance with Diocesan procedures

The appointment of representatives of the Parish should be for three years, but a member may be re-appointed for a further 3 years if required.  The Committee will continue to hold office during a changeover of Parish Priest.  Within six months of his appointment, the new Parish Priest will appoint a new Committee, which may or may not contain members of the previous Committee. All its work is governed by Canon Law, especially in reference to Canons 532 and 537. Some of the members of the committee have professional financial skills, others have skills related to construction/property and some have expertise in neither field.

The Committee meets every 3 months.

Committee Members:

Rev. Fr. Francis Olaseni, MSP, Parish Priest

Mr Malcolm Finn Chairperson –

Karin Rattray Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper

(Further names soon)