Our Annual Parish Novena, and St Agatha’s Feast Day Celebration, starts on Monday 27th January 2025 and concludes with our Feast Day Celebration on Wednesday 5th February 2025.
The Novena will be observed on Saturday and Sundays during the evening Masses. Monday to Friday please join us each day at 7pm.
Talks from our Parish Novenas are available to read here:
Synod 2021 2023
A big thank you to all those who are managing to support the parish financially through the different means of financial offerings and contributions during these difficult times.
Like many charities, our church is funded entirely by your donations and while we continue to serve the community using new technology, our church still needs to be insured and maintained. We are doing our best to save money but, although our heating expenses may have been reduced, we still have to pay contributions to the diocese, salaries and other various expenses.
Without our usual weekly collections during the months of lockdown there has been a significant impact on the parish finances and we would greatly appreciate your donations to enable us to continue without financial concern after the current situation is over.
If you would like to support St Agatha’s Church please go to the ‘support us’ page on the parish website for our gift aid and standing order forms. Alternatively, the church’s bank details for making regular standing orders or one-off bank transfers directly are:
Our account details are as follows:
Please pay: National Westminster, Kingston Marketplace
For the credit of: Kingston RCAOS
Bank details: Account number: 10317821
Sort code: 60-60-02
Please ensure you make the reference (that will appear on our Bank Statement) “your name” followed by “offertory”.