The Bishops of England and Wales have dedicated this year for all our parishes to focus on the Word of God and encourage people to read passages of the scriptures more frequently so that it is a greater guide and strength in their daily life. Perhaps we could all make this part of our Lenten resolution to read and reflect on a few sentences of the Gospel or one of the Epistles at times during the week. ‘Reading Matthew in Lent’ is a series of simple podcasts for the Lenten season offering a daily reading from St Matthew’s Gospel from Ash Wednesday to Easter Monday.


Friday Penance

The Bishops [of England and Wales] wish to remind us that every Friday is set aside as a special day of penitence, as it is the day of the suffering and death of the Lord. They believe that is it important that all the faithful again be united in a common, identifiable act of Friday penance because they recognise that the virtue of penitence is best acquired as part of a common resolve and common witness. The law of the Church requires Catholics on Fridays to abstain from meat, or some other form of food, or to observe some other form of penance laid down by the Bishops’ Conference (Canon1251). The Bishops decided to re-establish the practice that this penance should be fulfilled simply by abstaining from meat and by uniting this to prayer. Those who cannot or choose not to eat meat as part of their normal diet should abstain from some other food of which they regularly partake’. The form of penance we chose to adopt each Friday is a matter of personal choice and does not have to take the same form every Friday. Failure to undertake this penance on a particular Friday would not constitute a sin.

‘What can I do for Lent?’

‘Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving’ is the Lenten tradition. We are required to fast by reducing food intake on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, but giving up something (e.g. chocolate or alcohol) is also fasting. Extra prayer during Lent is very important.
Other suggestions also include:
say some additional prayers each day
visit the Blessed Sacrament
go to weekday Mass if you can
buy a booklet to guide your reflections.
make the special effort involved in family prayer.
choose one of the Gospels and read it during Lent.
study the Sunday readings before coming to Mass
come to the Stations of the Cross
receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Make a special effort to help someone who is poor, sick, old or lonely. Giving to those less fortunate than yourself.

St Agatha’s Church Easter Spring Clean CANCELLED

In previous years, when asked, we have been blessed with a great turnout of parishioners to help clear, tidy up and plant in the church grounds. This year we are having a day dedicated to ‘Spring Cleaning and Tidying up our Church and Grounds’ and we again call on our kind volunteers to help prepare our beautiful church inside and outside for Easter.

If you can spare a couple of hours on Saturday 28th March 2020, please come along and join us in the Cloister after the morning Mass. There are a variety of indoor and outdoor tasks that need to be taken care of and we hope that both male and female parishioners will be willing to assist. Even if you can only spare an hour or two, it will be greatly appreciated!

All teenagers will be especially welcome, together with those aged 11 – 13 (accompanied by an adult please) but for safety purposes, sadly, no smaller children. Volunteers who would like to help spruce up the gardens – please kindly bring gardening tools and gloves with you. Refreshments will be available and a soup lunch will be provided after. There will be a sheet in the church porch for volunteers to sign up so that we can have refreshments arranged according to numbers expected. Many thanks.

An Easter Message from Fr Anthony Oleh, Parish Priest