Pre-Christmas Spruce Up
We have a tremendous team of helpers in this church who work very hard to keep our Church and Grounds beautiful all year round for which we are very blessed and grateful!! Can we please ask for ‘EXTRAS’ (volunteers to come and help with our twice yearly spruce up both inside and outside, within the church grounds, to boost the efforts of our regular team by tackling jobs like brass cleaning and ironing of altar cloths etc… in time for our special Christmas celebrations!..) This year our dedicated morning will be on Saturday 14th December. There are a variety of indoor and outdoor tasks that need to be taken care of and we hope that both male and female parishioners will be willing to give up a few hours of their time to help us. A sign-up sheet will be in the church porch for volunteers to sign up please. (Even if you can only spare an hour or two, Frs. Anthony and Pius will be delighted!) All teenagers will be made especially welcome, together with those aged 11 – 13 (accompanied by an adult please) but for safety purposes, sadly, no smaller children.